I'm delighted and excited to share this Women’s Moon Mna Celtic Circle: Weaving My Wellness with you on Wednesday. You might already be aware of the expansive full moon energy, which is becoming stronger and will be more potent in the next few days.
The full moon energy give us the opportunity to see our whole self, both the light and the dark, and it is a wonderful time for reflection. So over the next few days I encourage you to step into the observer mode, rather than that of reactions, to notice the patterns that are arising, and to take a deep breath as we also journey through the lunar eclipse.
During our circle we will vision together and share our individual experiences on ‘how we are with resolutions or intentions to promote our own wellbeing and dreams’.
Please note the following practical details to support you, in getting the most from this event:
What To Bring: As we will be creating vision / dream boards please bring 2-3 magazines which hold images that speak to your heart (we will all share & swap them), a glue stick and scissors, plus any other images or craft items which you might be drawn to. At the centre of our circle we will hold a focal point of a sacred alter, please feel free to bring anything you wish to place on the alter which you wish to energise or anything representative of your vision for the year ahead.
Directions to River Holistic in Raheny can be found HERE. On street parking is available- please check signs as some roads around the centre are pay and display. My number is 085 8225450 if anyone gets lost, my phone will be turned off from 6.45pm. This event will take place in the Studio Room, the entrance is through main reception.
Registration Form: I will need everyone who has not completed a registration form since May 2018 to complete THIS FORM. Please arrive 5 minutes early (so we can start on time) to complete your registration form, or alternatively feel free to print, complete and bring THIS FORM with you.
Start Time / Late Entrants: this circle will be starting promptly, on time at 7pm, registration with tea / coffee will open at 6.45pm. The entrance door (downstairs) maybe closed from 7pm onwards- so PLEASE arrive early, as once we commence the circle I will not be in a position to leave the group to answer the door- plus I don't want you missing this event. If you find time usually escapes you please allow lots of extra time, so you can arrive in a relaxed way.
Looking forward to sitting in circle with you on Wednesday.