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Within this dark / new moon circle we will connect with the festival of Samhain. The ancient celtic celebration marking the ending of the harvest and beginning of the dark winter. We will connect with the dark phase of the moon, our ancestors and the crone Goddess of disappointment and letting go Dhumavati.

Through this circle we will acknowledge our hopes and dreams that have come to harvest and those that have not, whilst beginning to physically and energetically clear the way forward for the nurturing hibernation ahead. So that this deep time of rest can provide the nourishment when the time arises for our new dreams to unfold.

We will chant, journal, meditate and share to enable us to meet the disappointment whilst accepting the sorrow, joy, laughter and tears that are unveiling. We will release under the dark moon energy through a fire ceremony and we will invoke the goddess Dhumavati to guide us in how best to navigate the darkness that arises in our own individual lives.

For thousands of years our ancestors have gathered in circle, and community in recognition of the power of connection, rites of passage, the moon and seasonal cycles, of the continuous unbroken circle of support.

Within this Samhain New Moon Circle with the goddess Dhumavati we will connect with the new / dark moon energy as we gather to awaken within, the power and strength of our innate being through ceremony, connection, chanting, meditation, journalling, sharing & fire ceremony.

All participants will receive a gift of heart & sacral infused crystal moon water to take home to support clearing and releasing.

Feedback From Previous Moon Circles & Moon Workshop


When: Monday (bank holiday) 28th of October 11am - 2pm. Registration, tea & coffee from 10.45am

Where: River Holistic Centre, Raheny

Cost: €30

Places are open to all women, will be limited to 13 women and must be pre-booked / pre-paid. Refund & booking conditions can be found HERE

Payments can be processed by Paypal (below) or through contacting Laura on 085 8225450 for other payment options.

If you would like to join our next circle please email to join the waiting list.