As women in circle we come together to strengthen our inward connection and to remember the power of gathering with like minded women in a sacred, caring, nurturing environment.
In this full moon healing circle we will connect with ritual, ceremony, meditation and journaling to reintegrate the fragmented parts of our being, through connection with our sacred body- a vessel and powerful tool to hold our spirit in this life. Our body is always communicating with us, guiding and signalling the best way forward, yet often we don’t recognise these signs as we have become disconnected.
This circle will support us in unfolding into loving acceptance of our body, whilst also honouring any disconnects within. Through invoking the Divine Feminine we will call these fragmented parts of our being home, gifting ourselves the opportunity to come back into a place of wholeness within.
For thousands of years our ancestors have gathered in circle, and community in recognition of the power of connection, rites of passage, the moon and seasonal cycles, of the continuous unbroken circle of support.
Within this Full Moon Women’s Healing Circle we will connect with the full moon energy as we gather to heal and awaken within, the power and strength of our innate being through ritual, ceremony, connection & fire ceremony.
Feedback From Previous Moon Circles & Moon Workshop
When: Sunday 19th of May 11 - 1.30pm. Registration, tea & coffee from 10.45am
Where: River Holistic Centre, Raheny
Cost: €25
Places will be limited to 12 women and must be pre-booked / pre-paid. Refund & booking conditions can be found HERE
Fully Booked
Please contact us to join the waiting list