In ancient Ireland, the Morrigan, one of the Tuatha De Danaan was revered as the Goddess of this key aspect of the triple cycle of life, birth, death and rebirth. The energy of the Morrigan is similar to the Valkyries of the North and Kali the Destroyer of the East. She often shapeshifts into a Crow and is sometimes referred to as the Crow Goddess, the Phantom Queen or the Great Queen.
The Morrigan is the least known, feared and understood of the Celtic Goddesses and yet, she is the one that effects us all at key times in our lives. Her energy is subtle yet can be powerfully wild – it all depends on how you personally view death. If you are unafraid of it then you will live life to the full and recognise and relish rebirth. If you are afraid then you will view death with dread.
As we learn to dive deeper into life, we become familiar with these patterns of birth, death and re-birth. Perhaps through a career, a relationship, a health challenge, every struggle in life offers an opportunity to transform and be reborn. To release the thoughts, habits and patterns that no longer serve and to truly embrace your real authentic self.
Through this circle we will come together to create and offer a Burlá Ghuí, a prayer bundle to the Morrigan, to acknowledge all she represents within each of us, and allow a time for us to reclaim and acknowledge her in all her glory.
For thousands of years our ancestors have gathered in circle, and community in recognition of the power of connection, rites of passage, the moon and seasonal cycles, of the continuous unbroken circle of support.
Within this Morrigan- birth, death & re-birth Women’s Moon Mná circle we will connect with the full moon energy as we gather (on good Friday) to awaken within the power and strength of our innate nature through ceremony, fire blessing and connection.
Feedback From Previous Moon Circles & Moon Workshop
When: Friday 19th of April 7 - 9.30pm. Registration, tea & coffee from 6.45pm
Where: River Holistic Centre, Raheny
Cost: €20
Places will be limited to 10 women and must be pre-booked / pre-paid. Refund & booking conditions can be found HERE
Payments can be processed by Paypal (below) or through contacting Laura on 085 8225450 for other payment options.
2 Places Remaining