It’s 3 am and I’m writing from beautiful Bali, the hum of my air conditioning, the stillness all around, the joy within- what a dream come true it is to be here.
About 12 years ago I fell in love with Bali, an island which I had never experienced yet had a love affair with, Bali had captured my heart. My guide book sat on my book shelf, often hidden but never forgotten about, a yearning, a knowing and then came Eat, Pray, Love!!
So for 12 years I dreamed, and felt the energetic pull towards this island. 12 years of waiting, dreaming, putting it on my vision board, wondering if it would ever happen and then yesterday it finally did, I met Bali.
I sat by the sea this morning, hiding in the tiny patch of shade under a tree, the sand cool, the hustle of people all around, yet everything faded into the background, the Goosebumps swelled, the tears came- this was what I had been waiting for. My heart had been reunited with it’s lover- the connection so strong, the energy so pure.
Many people have and will continue to question my sanity, especially those who know how my body re-acts to travelling especially long haul, people have asked could I not go somewhere closer to home but my answer was a clear resounding NO, the 15 hours of flights, the stop over, the transfers were all worth it.
Dreams are not for substituting- they are for LIVING.
I strongly believe that if you can dig deep enough beyond all the conditioning and societal expectations you will uncover your very own Bali.
All my heart people will get this straight off, that feeling that you can’t describe in any logical way, that knowing and that unexplainable yet very clear why. Living from this place deep within the heart is a joy, a privilege, a blessing and a challenge all mixed together.
Heart space living requires you to look fear in the eyes, to dance with it and master it, to befriend it, so that you can move into an expansive freedom, far beyond any humanistic experience that many of us have been thought to believe in.
Over the last 12 years it has not always been possible for me to live in this way or take this trip. Often making it down the stairs in my house was long-haul travel, and I can giggle at this comparison now, but for years this was my reality, health was the bridge I was crossing. And at times it felt like that bridge broke, I was free falling and terrified, there was no heart space living there was simply surviving.
Over the last few months I have been busy working with my own coaches, cos lets face it- none of us are an island (except my dear Bali) and together with their support I unleashed operation freedom- as it was named. I sold my Montessori school, to move fully in to the work which I love, the work that doesn’t feel like work. And that my dearest friends is freedom, sharing your heart and opening to the expansiveness of life, to feeling the fear and having the courage and compassion to move through it, and ultimately to follow your heart.
So I encourage you to look within and explore, to dig just a little deeper, to sit with the discomfort and reconnect with your beautiful heart- the true centre of your being, rediscover those hidden dreams, and start moving toward making them your reality.
With love and HIGH vibes from Bali,
Laura x