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Within the circle we will focus upon awakening our inner abundance so that we can experience it in our outwards life through connection with the goddess Lakshmi.

We will chant, journal, meditate and share to enable us to release any blocks around abundance. Aligning our inner and outer worlds thus enabling us to live from a deep space of abundance in all areas of our life.

We will welcome these new awarenesses and seeds of intention under the waxing new moon energy through a fire ceremony and we will invoke the goddess Lakshmi to guide us in how best to awaken abundance in our own individual lives.

For thousands of years our ancestors have gathered in circle, and community in recognition of the power of connection, rites of passage, the moon and seasonal cycles, of the continuous unbroken circle of support.

Within this Awakening Abundance With The Goddess Lakshmi New Moon Circle we will connect with the waxing new moon energy as we gather to awaken within, the power and strength of our innate being through ceremony, connection, chanting, meditation, journalling, sharing & fire ceremony.

Feedback From Previous Moon Circles & Moon Workshop


When: Saturday 19th of September 10am - 1pm

Where: Online via zoom

Cost: €30

Places will be limited to 13 women and must be pre-booked / pre-paid. Refund & booking conditions can be found HERE